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Emily's Sock Monkey

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Eight year old Emily Hough of Forney, Texas has teamed up with local writer Sherri Thornhill to co-author and publish her first book. The children's book is titled "Emily's Sock Monkey: A Great Find." Emily Hough was diagnosed two years ago with Juvenile Dermatomyositis, an incurable and life-threatening disease that affects only 3 out of 1 million children.

After being diagnosed with JDM by Texas Scottish Rite Hospital, and then undergoing surgery, Emily came up with the idea for Emily's Monkeys. She and her family began hand making sock monkeys to donate to the young surgery patients at TSRH. It was Emily's idea of "paying it forward." Emily is now hoping to raise funds through sponsorship to get her children's book published and to donate as many books as possible to TSRH, the Make-A-Wish Foundation, and to local kids in need.

Thirty percent of the proceeds from the book sales will be divided among three charities that are near and dear to Emily, her family, and Sherri. The charities are Texas Scottish Rite Hospital, The Make-A-Wish Foundation, and Cure JM. Each of these charities have played a role in helping Emily in her fight against JM.

We would greatly appreciate your consideration for sponsorship of "Emily's Sock Monkey: A Great Find."

Faire un don


  • Anonyme
    • $250
    • 11 yrs
  • City Bank of Forney
    • $250 (don hors ligne)
    • 11 yrs
  • Nate and Stephanie Dettmer
    • $25 (don hors ligne)
    • 11 yrs
  • Foster Open Ring Class - First Presbyterian Church
    • $1,000 (don hors ligne)
    • 11 yrs
  • Forney Wellness
    • $250 (don hors ligne)
    • 11 yrs
Faire un don


Josh Hough
Forney, TX
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