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Does Pot Cure Cancer?

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If you are like me a year ago, or like 70% of Americans you probably believe that medical marijuana is about smoking pot to get high to ease the pain of cancer, with the convenient side effect of appetite stimulation. That is just the tip of the iceberg. we have barely scratched the surface of research and already we know that the natural compounds in the cannabis plant have amazing nutritional (preventative) health benefits, as well as medical benefits for those suffering from cancer and other diseases. THC and CBD are only 2 out of 80+ cannabinoid molecules that we have studied. I am producing a feature documentary on the medical and nutritional benefits of cannabis. The film is based on the research of Dr. William Courtney

Principal photography begins in August and I need to raise some funds to pay for travel for me and the camera crew to begin interviewing in Denver Colorado home to newly legal Cannabis, as well as California.

My belief is that if the general public begins to understand that everyone can benefit from a cannabis salad on their dinner table every night they will more aggressively support cannabis legalization and we can tip the scales in the 48 remaining states that restrict its use.

This budget is for travel, and film crew expenses for the week of Aug 17th. The initial interviews will be used to create a trailer andkick starter project to raise the full budget for the film.

Thank you so much in advance for supporting this project, I look forward to rewarding you with one of the incentives below!

Danny Panzella


  • Richard Bell
    • $150
    • 9 yrs


Danny Panzella
Staten Island, NY

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