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Going to Kenya!!

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As many of you may know, this is not my first mission trip... some of you may have supported me before! This is, however, my first trip outside of my church where I am fundraising ALONE! (Scary) But I've had the opportunity come up, last minute, to participate in a trip to Kenya with a team going out of Durango, CO.

As both a seminary student working toward a missionally focused degree and the missions chair of my church, I'm excited to go and learn more about the opportunities to serve in this part of the world. We will participate in homebuilding projects with a co-op of widows, put on a day of fun activities at an orphanage and assist in a medical camp in the Obago village.

I'm so blessed to have been given this opportunity, and whether you are able to support me financially or not, I would appreciate your prayers! I can't wait to see what God has in store for our team!!

In Christ,


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 10 yrs


Desirie Gregg Dougall
Cypress, TX

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