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Dennis Gorgas

Don protégé
10/13 Dennis Started rehabilitation yesterday.
Although he has a long ways to go.
They Moved him to a room out of ICU.
Graphs are doing well.
Fatigued but determined.
He Expressed greatful ness and surprise
as I read off names of those who have contributed to his unfortunate accident.
Told me , please make sure you thank family , friends and so many that he doesn't know for their prayers and generosity.

Talked to Dennis today. He said he is feeling the burning 24/7. The graphs are doing good . He had to get up and they had to do stretching/rehab. He said it exhausted him and seems like the burning worsened. He is still in ICU.
By end of week they may move him upstairs. That's when full rehab starts.

Every evening I look at the list of friends and family and even a few unknown individuals who have stepped up and made contributions from the heart to my Brother. Quite a few tears of appreciation on this end!!
Many thanks to all.
Makes me realize how many good people are out there in the world.

My brother has burns over 30% of his body after an accident with flammable liquid while burning brush on Sept 28 , 2017. They say his hand and fingers look like sausage.
He is a 64 year old man of meager means and poor health and no transportation,
Currently at the Miller Dawn burn center in Duluth Minnesota.
He has a long expensive road to recovery and I'm trying create a needed buffer for him to get thru
This and hopefully give him means
to pay medical needs and not trade off fuel oil bills to get him through the harsh Duluth winter closing in on him.
If each of his Facebook friends could spare $10 we could collectively come up with the goal.
Thanking all in advance for your kindness.
Above all your prayers are also accepted.

Faire un don


  • marnie gorgas
    • $50
    • 7 yrs
  • David and Mary Gorgas
    • $400 (don hors ligne)
    • 7 yrs
  • Phil and Darla Herbert
    • $150 (don hors ligne)
    • 7 yrs
  • Randy Lemoine
    • $100 (don hors ligne)
    • 7 yrs
Faire un don


David Gorgas
Jamestown, CA

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