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A Tornado Destroyed Damion's Home

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In the spirit of friendship, we are uniting to extend some needed love and support to our friend Damion Alcorn, who lost his home to a tornado that hit New Orleans on February 7, 2017. Damion and his family are not strangers to loss, over a decade ago Hurricane Katrina destroyed their home, after ten years of rebuilding, they once again loose everything.

Trying to get back on your feet can be overwhelming . We are asking all our friends, and even people we never met, to help this kind man and his family to help rebuild their lives for the second time. This man is an extraordinary example of what makes New Orleans special. Full of life and incredibly kind to all he meets, he worked at least two jobs at a time to rebuild his life after Katrina. In the divine spirit of rebirth and the almighty, please make a donation to our friend Damion.



  • Nia King
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Rosemarie Diaz
New Orleans, LA
Damion Alcorn

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