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Help for Shelly's Surgery

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My dear friend Shelly Brooks is in need of help!  Shelly is a single lady living alone. Over the last couple of years, she has been in pain in the lower abdomen area.  The pain became unbearable in April so the testing began with a CT scan and MRI to determine the cause. Diagnosis: hernia, adrenal gland AND gallbladder surgery were needed.

In July she had hernia surgery. Her doctor says she urgently needs to have the adrenal gland (requires an overnight stay in the hospital) and gallbladder surgery. He is hoping it is not cancerous, but told her they remove adrenal glands at 4 centimeters and hers is now 6.2 centimeters.

Her job does NOT offer short term disability and her 5 days of vacation/sick leave only partially covered recovery time from her hernia surgery.  The adrenal gland plus the gallbladder surgery can have a recovery time of 2-4 weeks which means she cannot work or get paid during that time. High deductibles and copays have left her struggling to figure out how to pay these medical expenses and save her house which has now gone into foreclosure.

Shelly is a great friend-someone who listens and cares. She is strong and independent, but has stumbled upon a rough patch. Sometimes a little help can go a long way and that is the case here. She needs your prayers and any donation, no matter how small, so we can give her the strength to move forward with her next surgery and get control back of her life.

Thank you so much for taking the time to read this. Even if you have no money to give, if you can share Shelly’s story, we would greatly appreciate it.


  • Anonym
    • $50
    • 10 yrs


Mary Spencer-watson
Tucson, AZ

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