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Hurricane relief for my family

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Hi everyone. As you all know Hurricane Maria left many people in Puerto Rico without homes and struggling for basic resources. My cousin lost everything. She has 3 kids and a 3 month old grandson. They were sent to a home for a few days but they ran out of resources there and were forced to leave. They are living in their car currently. They have no formula, food, water or clothes. I want to bring them to Ohio as soon as possible but will need some help to get their plane tickets, baby stuff, and some clothes, especially for the winter. I will be doing the same for my grandparents and my aunt. If you can please help my family with anything, we will be very grateful. Anything helps. Thank you.


  • Tim Krsul
    • $25
    • 7 yrs


Natalia Menendez Pagan
Cleveland, OH

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