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Tennille's Journey to Beat Cancer

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Help Support Tennille’s Journey To Beat Cancer

On January 23rd my sister received devastating results from her biopsy, confirming a malignant tumor (cancer) in her left breast. While initially she believed her diagnosis was Stage 0, her oncologist confirmed that she has a moderately infiltrating ductal carcinoma in Stage 1. Based on the tumor size, it may also be quickly moving into Stage 2 cancer.

The cancer was diagnosed as HER2+, which is known to grow and spread more quickly than other types of breast cancers. So, it goes without saying, the immediate scheduling of Tennille’s treatments is of the absolute essence.

My sister is now faced with the seemingly endless expenses from additional testing, treatments, medications, immune support, recovery, and getting her life back on track after all of this passes.

While so much of this is understandably beyond any of our control, one of the easiest -- yet extremely important-to-her-recovery ways that we can all help, is to quickly remove any stresses or concerns she may be having about being able to afford any treatment option available.

Above all else, I ask that you send prayers, positive vibes, and healing words our way as we go through this journey.

We want to extend our financial support for Tennille’s journey to any friends, extended family, colleagues, friends-of-friends, or anyone else who may be in a position to contribute towards her medical expenses in any way possible.

Your contributions mean the world to my family and we look forward to celebrating her quick recovery.

With Love & Gratitude,

Nick Spence


  • Chelsea Bailey
    • $75
    • 4 yrs

Equipo de recaudación de fondos: Fundraising team (2)

Nick Spence
San Diego, CA
Tennille Spence
Dianah Spence
Team member

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