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Help Bury Our Mom

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This is my mom, Elizabeth Robin Phillips. She is married to a Vietnam veteran, is the mother of two daughters, and is 67 years old; she'll be 68 on August 15.

And she's in the late stages of Alzheimer's disease.

Mom was mom. She was the neighborhood mom, the one who always sat on the front porch so she could keep an eye on us kids as we ran wild with our friends. She went on every field trip we asked her to go on, and always encouraged my sister and I to chase after things we enjoyed. When we got older, she loved to go with us for weekends to anime conventions. Her favorite anime was Big-O; her favorite music was the Japanese band X-Japan. She loved Disney and enjoyed nothing more than getting in the car and just driving nowhere with us, listening to music. In her later years, her favorite movie was Guardians of the Galaxy and she spent her days watching Supernatural and Twilight on television. She taught me to drive and saw me through college. A lover of cats, mom was overjoyed when our dad agreed to let us get our first cat.

There were always ups and downs, but at the end of the day, mom was mom. She was always there with a hug while we cried, always there to read bedtime stories to my sister and I. Her favorite bedtime story to read to us was Love You Forever by Robert Munsch.

Her smile was infectious and she always laughed at dumb things my sister, our dad, or I would say or do.

Unfortunately, she will pass away with no life insurance, no way to pay for her burial. We've put aside a little money, but the end is coming a lot quicker than we thought it would. She's reached the point where she can no longer talk, no longer really responds to us. She doesn't eat, and drinks very little. Our time with her is coming to an end, and the least we can do for all that she's done for us is to try and provide her with a peaceful passing at home and a quiet burial after.

The funds are needed for a simple graveside service and a casket. Times are difficult these days, but any little bit is deeply appreciated. We do need the money as quickly as we can get it, as our state law requires that she be either buried or embalmed within 48 hours, and as of now, we don't know how long she will be alive. It could be days, weeks, or months.

Thank you in advance and bless all of you.

-MaryBeth and the rest of the Phillips family


  • Anonym
    • $1,000
    • 4 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $1,700
    • 4 yrs
  • Kirsti Briggs
    • $56
    • 4 yrs
  • Kim Nguyen
    • $5
    • 4 yrs
  • Christy Sass
    • $10
    • 4 yrs


MaryBeth Phillips
Melvindale, MI

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