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Coronavirus Dancing Victims

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The recent Coronavirus crisis has touched on every aspect of our lives and livelihoods.  And, this pandemic has severely affected our beloved dance world.  It started with the cancellation of 4 major Asian Open competitions but has now spread to the cancellation of many dance-related events and activities throughout the world.  This has had a serious impact on not just dancers throughout the world but on the dancing industry as a whole. 

One can only imagine how difficult it must be for all dancers throughout the world, especially those who have been affected health-wise and medically, to dance, continue working and making an income, and even survive in the current conditions.  Some of them have had a direct threat to their lives and are still going through their struggles.  Dancers have lost all their work and income completely.  Studios are being closed down.  These people, these dancers, are our colleagues, students, teachers, and friends.  Many are suffering and struggling to survive!

We, at the WDC Competitors Commission as well as the WDC and WDCAL, would like to ensure that we do everything we can to help our fellow colleagues and dancers.  We have set up this GoFundMe page to help our fellow dancers all over the world to provide some help for basic needs such as food and other essential needs.  And, we want to encourage our friends, patrons, vendors, suppliers, and colleagues everywhere to pull together and help one another in overcoming this crisis.  We are asking everyone to extend their hand and support for our fellow dancers.  

In addition, a direct line has been set up for the dancers to connect to us and receive financial help pay for essential needs such as food, medical, etc related to the Coronavirus epidemic.  [E-Mail ausgeblendet]

We would like to thank you all for your time, consideration, and support for your fellow dancer!

The Management Committee of the
WDC Competitors Commission

NOTE:  Per GoFundMe guidelines, funds must be initially transferred to a USA registered bank account prior to distribution to the WDC dancers and competitors.  Therefore, all donations from GoFundMe will be initially transferred to a separate joint USA bank account held by Mr. Victor Fung and Ms. Anastasia Muravyeva.  Mr. Victor Fung is a member of the Management Committee of the WDC CC and Ms. Anastasia Muravyeva is the Executive Presidential Assistant of the World Dance Council.  Mr. Fung and Ms. Muravyeva have both been working diligently with WDC President Mr. Donne Burns MBE and the WDC Board of Directors to help establish, promote, and grow this kind of support for the WDC dancers and competitors during the Coronavirus epidemic.  In addition, funds will be distributed on a first come, first serve basis to WDC members via Paypal, WeChat, or any other efficient direct wire transfer method.  WDC competitors are required to fill out an application which can be found on the WDC Competitors Commission website at


In dieser Kampagne werden Spenden über eine andere Plattform erwähnt, bitte beachte jedoch, dass nur Spenden über GoFundMe durch die GoFundMe-Spendengarantie geschützt sind.



  • Alan Clarke
    • $100
    • 4 yrs


Victor Fung Anastasia Muravyeva
Irvine, CA

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