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Caitlin Merie Hurrey Fund

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Caitlin was my youngest child.  She was full of life, loved to sing, play her French Horn and dance.  She never met a person she didn't like.  Love and friendship was built into her DNA.  She died in a terrible auto accident in 1995, she was only 9 years old.  This year marks the 20th anniversary of her death, but I like to think it's the 20th anniversary of her new life in heaven.

I started the Caitlin Merie Hurrey Fund with a few hundred dollars on 2003.  The fund is small, but we have given over 20 scholarships over the years.  I don't have the resources to grow the fund, but I want to see it grow and continue to provide scholarships for students of the arts.  

I would like to raise $20,000.00 this year to honor and commemorate the 20th anniversary of her death.  If you knew her please share this with your friends.  If you didn't know her you would have loved her like we do.

From her Dad, who loves her and misses her very much.


Caitlin's Dad


  • Anonym
    • $100
    • 8 yrs


Earl Hurrey
Mesa, AZ

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