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In memory of Dicky Farrugia

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It is difficult to find the right words to describe Dicky - genuine, caring, humble, passionate and funny are a few that automatically spring to mind.

A loving husband to Sonya and father to Francesca, Jack, Harry and George and father in law to Maurice and Storm – Dicky was also a much loved and respected member of the Worsley family.

Dicky commenced with Worsley in July 2005 as a Refinery Process Operator in Area 3, he later moved into an Area Coach role and then into the Production Supervisor role leading A Crew.

Dicky was passionate about his family and his motorbike riding. When Dicky was talking, it would be in regards to a ride with Harry and the riding family or about Sonya and the kids and how they are doing and what they are up to. He loved his trips to the UK to see Francesca, seeing George and Jack setting themselves up in Perth and Harry completing his motorcycle mechanical apprenticeship. His love for Sonya and the kids was unconditional.

As his family work through what we can only imagine to be a heartbreaking time our thoughts turn to what we can do to provide them with some support in the short term. His friends and colleagues are therefore seeking donations that will go directly to Dicky’s family, this will allow them the opportunity to focus on supporting one another by removing some of the financial stress at this difficult time.

Dicky will be missed immensely by all those who had come to know and love him.


  • Iris Woods
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Brian Jones
South Bunbury, WA

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt