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Chris, Our Brave Warrior

Spende geschützt
On September 5, 2018 we went to the ER for abdominal pain. Three hours later, after blood work and a CT scan the doctor came back with concerns. He had an abnormal looking appendix. A biopsy was performed as well as an ultrasound and showing a large tumor in his appendix that had burst. He was diagnosed with stage 4 Cancer.  An adenocarcinoma affecting his appendix, 30% of his bladder and lungs. Doctors said this is one of the rarest cases they have ever come across. An, otherwise, healthy 34 year old with stage 4 cancer of this sort is unheard of. Not only does this affect Chris but our family and friends as well. We have two beautiful children who still need their daddy.  He is a father, a brother, a son, an uncle and above all the hardest working, strongest and most resliant person. He has overcome many obstacles in life and I have faith this will be one of them. The diagnosis of a man in his prime with his whole life ahead of him will not be his demise. He is starting an aggressive chemo treatment September 16, 2018. I am asking asking for all his loved ones to rally around during our time of need. We ask for prayers and hope of a certain positive outcome. Thank you all for helping us in any way. We will keep you all updated as our journey begins.


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    • $40
    • 6 yrs
    • $2,219 (Offline)
    • 6 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Suzett Isabel
Hollywood, FL
Christopher Rodriguez

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