Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Sarah's Recovery

Spende geschützt

Sarah is a 20 month old lively, healthy, beautiful girl. While in Brazil visiting family with her parents and brother, she suddenly became ill. In a matter of 2 days her condition went from a diagnosis of possible viral diarrhea to being admitted to the Intensive Care Unit, failing kidneys and uncertainty of her recovery. Thanks to God’s grace, prayers and a responsive medical team, after 10 days she has started to improve. However, she still in critical condition and has a long road ahead of her until she can achieve full recovery. Meanwhile, her parents have been by her side 24/7 in the hospital and unable to return to the US. As you can imagine, this unthinkable situation overseas has brought enormous medical bills along with other unexpected expenses. Without knowing when Sarah will be discharged from the hospital and able to come home, both Nathan and Silmara aren’t able to work.

Would you please consider joining us in helping them cover these unexpected expenses? Although, they do not know yet what the total amount will be, we are hoping to raise at least part of what they have already incurred. Therefore, our goal is to raise $9,000 to help this amazing family.

As many of you know, Nathan and Silmara are faithful, kind and generous people and could really use our help. We pray, that you would consider helping them, whether through prayer, financially or both.

Thank you and may God Bless you!


  • Laura Geiger
    • $100
    • 7 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Umida Cappoferri
Kansas City, MO
Silmara Fry

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