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Help Erick Rapisura Beat Cancer!

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Let's Help Erick Beat Cancer!!!

Our friend, Erick Rapisura, is fighting thyroid cancer and needs our help. He’s been unable to work full-time since August and will have major thoracic surgery (cutting into the chest) this month and then months of treatment including radiation treatments that will require him not to be around others. While fortunate to have good insurance through a great union, his out of pocket costs will exceed $10,000 for medical care alone  this fall and next spring . That's not counting rent or food and he will be almost entirely unable to earn a living until April, when a full recovery is expected (demanded, actually!). We, his friends need to help him not have to worry about keeping a roof over his head and bills paid in the meantime- he needs to concentrate on recovering from this horrible disease. Whether you are a friend to Erick from work, through skateboarding, or from cycling, Erick’s been brightening lives since he was born in this city decades ago and we need to keep him around! On a positive note, Erick says that after the radiation treatments he’ll soon be “The glowing person” he’s always been.
Let’s help him be healthy, happy, and free from worry.
Please give!


  • Anónimo
    • $10
    • 9 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Andrew Bennett
San Francisco, CA
Erick Rapisura

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