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Carinthia Parks Employees House Fire Victims

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Our good friends, Park Rangers and Park Manager for Carinthia Parks's at Mount Snow found themselves victim to a house fire Tuesday March 12th. Upon being trapped in their apartment had to escape through the blazing fire and thankfully made it out with their lives. Two of the three , Rob Black and Casey Savage suffered from extreme burns all over their bodies. They were taken down to Boston Burn Unit by ambulance for treatment. They will both have to stay in the hospital for weeks and their recovery will leave them out of work for several months. This is already resulting medical bills that will leave them drowning in debt. They all are left without a home and their belongings. We are asking for help that is that is much needed in the form of  donations, housing, anything you can do to help our friends Rob, Casey and Jake get through this really hard time.

Close friend and Park Crew assistant manager Rory Bruder will be collecting the funds for Rob and Casey. These will be used for their medical bill and getting them back on their feet.


  • Marilyn Serrantino
    • $50
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam: Carinthia Parks (3)

Hannah Greene
Dover, VT
Robert Black
Rory Bruder
Team member
Sam Bammy
Team member

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