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CancerSux-Help Mandy Hudson Martinez BEAT IT

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Mandy has spent the last year fighting tirelessly for workers rights, and now she has been struck with the big C. This is her second fight against cancer. The forst time was renal and now she is fights lung and liver cancer.   Mandy is one of the strongest and most selfless of people I know  She is currently in the hospital and will endure multiple surgeries in the days to come. She is strong and she's a fighter! But we're asking for your help to support her medical bills and her family during this tragedy. Mandy is an independent contractor gig worker and therefore not coversc by health insurance. She will need all the support she can get!!!


  • Ari Guttman
    • $6
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam: CRA Unites Against Cancer (4)

Kelly Eileen Frey
Chicago, IL
Mandy Hudson
Nicole Hudson Spence
Team member
Laurie Erickson
Team member

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