Cancer Came Back
Hey there, this is Nylo aka Sparrow!
I'm 29 years old and have been in remission from Hodgkins lymphoma for a year.... until now.
it has come back after yearssss of battling it the past 4 years. I even got a bone marrow transplant to help it stay away.
I moved from Florida to Oregon for a better living situation and medical care. while I'm so blessed and grateful for this, my expenses are about to skyrocket with medical bills yet again even with my coverage.
I lost my job recently and start a new one soon but with much less pay. I worked 3 jobs during my time with cancer but I simply can't physically do that this time. my body is screaming for me to rest properly.
anything helps and all donations will go towards my bills, medical expenses and any needs if I'm unable to work as much as I'd like to.
I plan to donate some funds to others who are going through cancer as well, if I receive enough donations for the month.
thank you for the overwhelming support and love I've been shown.
3rd times the charm, right?
warms hugs and well wishes,
Nylo Cassarino