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Cameron Keith Worship Album

Don protégé
*Every $10 donation will receive a digital copy of the album
*Every $40 donation will receive a physical copy of the album

For the last couple of years, I have been hard at work writing songs for the church. The Lord has blessed my efforts and I now have 17 completed songs from which I would like to choose 5-10 (depending on how much money can be raised) to record.  My prayer and desire for these songs is that they would bless the gathered church on Sundays as God's people come together to sing his truth for his glory and the scattered church throughout the week as these recordings are played in cars and headphones anywhere and God's people are built up and strengthened by his word. I have sought to write songs that are accessible and singable, in the modern song format and structure but also filled with God's word and his gospel. I hope and pray God uses these songs to bring glory to Christ and edify his people. I appreciate any financial help you can provide and covet your prayers as I set out on this journey. (So that you are aware: ~$3500 will allow me to record ~5 songs and ~$7000 will allow ~10.)


  • Anonyme
    • $10
    • 6 yrs
  • Rob Owen
    • $100 (don hors ligne)
    • 6 yrs
  • Maple Street
    • $108 (don hors ligne)
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonymous Anonymous
    • $20 (don hors ligne)
    • 6 yrs
  • Anonyme
    • $120 (don hors ligne)
    • 6 yrs


Cameron Keith
Charlotte, NC

Votre plateforme d'entraide à la fois conviviale, efficace et sécurisée

  • Conviviale

    Le processus de don est rapide et convivial.

  • Efficace

    Soutenez directement les personnes et les causes qui vous tiennent à cœur.

  • Sécurisée

    Votre don est protégé par la Garantie des dons GoFundMe