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Calling All Racers - Support a Teammate in Need

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Racing friends - one of your racers is in need of assistance!  Aaron Leinemann (far right) is an avid racing fan and gearhead, 24 Hours of Lemons racer, Three Pedal Mafia teammate, Rutt Racing crewman, Wall Stadium (NJ) regular,  Jersey Shore R/C racing member, member of NJDM, and Uncle Goof to his adorable niece and nephew.  Aaron was cruising along, doing his thing at the track, working on the Lemons car, in the pits at Wall, all while struggling with a chronic cough.  After a few months and rounds of antibiotics, bloodwork has revealed that  Aaron has  leukemia. 

Aaron and his family are stunned, and he has been in the hospital ever since.  At the moment, his treatment plan has yet to be confirmed, but it appears that he will be in treatment on an outpatient basis, at least for now, after he is discharged.  

Unfortunately, at this time, it is unknown what Aaron's health insurance will cover, and regardless, his portion of his medical bills will far exceed what he and his family can afford.  Our goal for now is just to get the treatment started, get him feeling better, and back to as much of his regular life as possible. (However, he will not be allowed to race in the immediate future, which for those who know him well, know how frustrating that is for him)!

Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as Aaron faces a long road of recovery and medical bills ahead. 
Let's team up to help Aaron to get back on his feet again!


  • Chris Crome
    • $50
    • 5 yrs

Spendenteam (2)

Bobbin Sander Paskell
Jamesburg, NJ
David Carpenter
Team member

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