Foto principal de la recaudación de fondos

Victor's medical expenses

Donación protegida
As most of you are aware Lee's husband Victor Rodriguez passed away on Sunday, 8/6/17. Together they have an amazing son Gabriel who is 13 years old.
Victor has been ill for a very long time. During that time, Lee has been his primary care taker.
This role has been physically and emotionally draining for Lee but it has also been financially draining as well. 
I thought it might be a good idea to try to raise some money for Lee & Gabe so they can clear up any loose ends regarding Vic's medical expenses and perhaps take a much needed respite if they are able to do so.
Anything you can contribute would be so appreciated by Lee & Gabe. Anyone that knows her, knows that Lee is the most giving, appreciative person on the planet.
Please consider any donation if you are able. If you aren't, please keep Lee and Gabe in your prayers as well as Victor's entire family as they are mourning his loss.
Thank you!!


  • Anónimo
    • $50
    • 7 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Denise Katus
Buffalo, NY
Aleathea Rodriguez

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