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Bus passes for SHS Students in need

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The Scranton School District has a relatively disadvantaged population.  34% of children in Scranton live below the poverty level – nearly twice the average for PA (19%). More than 80% of students qualify for free or reduced-fee lunch and so this has been offered to all students for the past 3 years.

If your children do not attend high school in the Scranton School District (SSD), you may not know that these students are not provided transportation by the school district.  In many cases, students are walking 2 or 3 miles to school each day. For example, students who live in Hilltop Manor, a public housing development in South Scranton, have a 3.5 mile distance to cover each morning and afternoon.  

SSD Students have the option of purchasing a monthly Colts bus pass at half price.  The discounted cost of this monthly pass is $28.  While some students can afford this expense, there are many others who cannot. Dozens of students who live in projects such as Bangor Heights or Hilltop Manor, have an hour-long walk to their assigned high school. 

I’ve set up this GoFundMe account in hopes of raising money to purchase monthly bus passes for those students in the greatest need.  While we may not raise enough money to afford these students transportation for the entire school year, I hope we can at least cover these costs during the coldest months of the year.  The money raised will be used to purchase bus passes and the passes will be given to Phil Odom, Director of Youth Enrichment in the Scranton School District, for distribution to those students with the greatest need.


  • Anonym
    • $215
    • 5 yrs


Ellen Keeler Moore
Clarks Summit, PA

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