Hauptbild der Spendenaktion


Spende geschützt
Hey all ~ first and foremost, this is initiated by us ~ not the company. 
Some have an express a willingness to help our Big Bar fam of bartenders and barbacks, and we quite frankly welcome the opportunity! The corona virus has and will continue to ravage society and more acutely, hospitality professionals. Some business have had the opportunity to stay open but for us ~ we will not be. That means a lot of my brothers and sisters will be without a means of income. 

If you got it, and you'd like to put forth a little goodwill, here's your venue. Note: not one of our team have ask for it,  we want to do the asking in case there are those with means and opportunity. 

100% of proceeds will be divided equally to our bartenders and barbacks - us managers will not take part.

Thank you and stay safe world.
- C&E


  • Lee Sacks
    • $10
    • 4 yrs

Spendenteam: BigBarFam (5)

Eugene Lee
Los Angeles, CA
Sean McBride
Team member
Christopher Nagel
Team member
Edwin Quinonez
Team member
Justin McCauley
Team member

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt