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Beth’s Breast Cancer Fight Fund

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Our beautiful friend Beth is facing the battle of her life after being diagnosed on July 18, 2018 with Stage 3 Breast Cancer. 
Beth is a mother of 4 amazing kids, a wife, sister, daughter, friend and super talented photographer. She has spent countless hours teaching religion classes through a local school and is now relying on her faith to strengthen her through this unimaginable journey. 

Beth has recently had to pause her lifelong dream of being a photographer and close her studio due to her weekly treatments and unpredictability of her illness. Due to that loss of income it has left her with great concerns for her families financial, physical & emotional needs.

We are all devastated by this and are asking for your support to assist with impending expenses. 

Please take a moment to consider donating to Beth and her amazing family as no contribution is too small to make an impact. 

“You gain strength, courage and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face”   Eleanor Roosevelt
Faire un don


  • Britt Lanicek
    • $100
    • 6 yrs
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Organisateur et bénéficiaire

Penny StClair
Dayton, OH
Beth Dryfuse

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