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Help Andrew With His Medical Bills

Donativo protegido
Andrew is an incredibly friendly and generous person. He's an active member of the Wilmington arts community and can be often seen around town with a camera in his hands. He's always willing to shoot music videos, headshots and live performances for the actors, comedians and musicians in this town. He's also the best person to ever have on a film set because in addition to bringing a wealth of knowledge and skill, he also has a hilarious, warm and easygoing demeanor. This  makes him a crucial asset when it comes to productions that would otherwise be stressful without him.

Earlier this year, Andrew was diagnosed with lymphoma. His cancer is treatable but the treatment is not cheap. Andrew has already begun undergoing chemotherapy to combat this disease. Please help him make these payments so he can have one less thing to worry about and just focus on getting better.

This is a man who has been very good to his friends and community so now we'd like to return the favor. Please donate anything you can to help our friend beat his cancer. If you are unable to donate, sharing this campaign would also be helpful and equally appreciated.


  • Anónimo
    • $10
    • 8 yrs

Organizador y beneficiario

Wills Maxwell Jr
Wilmington, NC
Andrew Bunting

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