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Becky and Ray Deal Flood

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The staff at Pets on Broadway Animal Hospital are starting this fundraiser to do what we can to help the parents of Tori Pattillo who has worked here with us for 17 years.  

Becky and Ray are average hardworking Americans who have lived in their home for over 30 years. They raised their children there and now they are raising their 8 year old Grandson.  Their home was severely damaged in the  Englewood, CO flooding on Tuesday July 24, 2018. They were not in a flood zone so they do not have flood insurance.  They are lucky because all three of them and their dog were not harmed; however they will have to replace most of their belongings.  We cannot do anything to help them with the loss of their photographs, keepsakes  and a lifetime of memories but we want to do what we can to help them replace furniture, carpet, clothing, drywall, and anything else they may need.


  • Kelli Doane
    • $20
    • 6 yrs

Spendenteam: Pets on Broadway (3)

Jenni McKernan Morehouse
Denver, CO
Becky Deal
Lyn Newman
Team member
Tori Pattillo
Team member

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