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Becca's Birthday/ Car Fund

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On the morning of Tuesday, April 3 (the day before her birthday), our friend Becca's new car (her first car ever) was stolen. She had only had the car for a week and a half, and she had overcome so much adversity to take the huge step of buying this car. We have no idea if the car will be found, or what kind of a financial burden Becca will be up against.  Police reports are being filed. For now, we want to raise $1000 to give Becca a much-needed boost. This money might perhaps be used to cover the $500 deductible for her insurance, or the cost of Uber/Lyft fees while we wait to see what will happen. Please pitch in! Anything helps. We'll keep this page updated as time goes on, and as we know more. Thank you so much for contributing!!
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  • Anonyme
    • $40
    • 6 yrs
Faire un don


Brian Mark Alton Cheney
Portland, OR

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