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Help the Beaupre Family Beat Cancer

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June 2016 update

So since the last update Dave's health has been improving everyday. He's getting stronger and has more muscle and has been able to gain weight. He has made a great recovery in his health and owe that to the Hope4cancer! 

We went back to the clinic in March for a follow up and it went very well, met up with a lot of people that were there at our 3 week visit. It was great to see them, felt like a big family! We are continuing the treatments the same as before because of the great results dave has had. 

The latest MRI results in May showed no tumors, so we are so thrilled!! We know we are doing the right thing. Although there are no tumors it doesn't mean that David is necessarily cancer free at this point. There still might be cancer cells in his body. So we are going to continue the treatments from the clinic. Dave is busy everyday doing all the protocols that the clinic advises to do and more. 

Going back 'normal' life is not going to happen. The lifestyle changes that we've made are permanent because it will keep us healthy. 

We are sending the results to the clinic to see how dave should continue with his treatments and we will be going back to the clinic for a follow up in September.  

Thanks everyone for your continued support and prayers. All the help has definitely got us through this journey. 

David and Jessica

January 2016 update:

David went to the Hope4Cancer clinic in Tijuana, Mexico in November and did a lot of treatments while at the Clinic. The main ones include RIGVIR and PNC 27. RIGVIR is a virotherapy that comes from Latvia. It’s a non-pathogenic genetically unmodified virus that seeks and destroys cancer cells and removes their camouflage from the immune system. PNC-27 is basically a protein that attaches to cancer cells and then attacks the cancer cell and destroys it. Other treatments included hyperthermia which was the hardest treatment for David but is pretty much going into a hot oven. The point is to raise the temperature of the body which can cause cancer cells to rupture, significantly reducing aggressive tumour growth. He also did Pulsating Electro Magnetic Field which releases energy into the body/cells. (we can somewhat compare this to the Dr.Ho for those that know what that is - it’s used to reduce pain but the PEMF is 100x more). We both tried this therapy and it got rid of the pain in my shoulder. He also did Hyperbarack oxygen chamber, a big chamber you go in and they raise the pressure of oxygen by 4x the amount. This floods the body with oxygen where cancer cells can’t live in a oxygenated environment. He did IV’s everyday which included a few that he’s done with his naturopath here in Winnipeg - PolyMVA, VIT B17, Vitamin C and PNC-27. The PNC 27 was done by IV at the Clinic but at home is by suppositories. Coffee Enemas done daily to detox and clean out the system, Information on nutrition and supplements - Dave is following the Ketogenic Diet plus more other dietary restrictions which is low carb, high healthy fats and proteins. Not a lot has changed for us with our eating habits but we had to change a few. The food at the clinic was good, mainly vegetarian meals with a few with fish.

There was also a few interesting protocols such as recall healing and Cyberscan. Recall healing is basically reviewing things that you are possibly holding onto that might be causing problems in the body. It’s very interesting. For example we all know that stress is very harmful for the body and can lead to disease, so there may be an event in life that was very stressful and is causing harm. Cyberscan - they scan your hand and that determines what frequencies (example cellphones, radio etc.) are most harmful to the body as every person can be affected differently. Knowing this Dave now carries a card at all times that is programmed with frequencies that will protect his body from the frequencies that harm him. He also takes raw ocean mineral water every morning that also has these good frequencies to protect him.

Dave took home a lot of supplements to cover him for three months. All to help with different things in his body. We found out that the Chemotherapy did a lot of harm, for example the lining of his intestines were deteriorating being the main reason why he wasn’t absorbing any nutrients. We have supplements to help rebuild that. He continues most of the treatments at home, so he is busy getting those done all day.

We met a lot of great people at the clinic from all over the world (Israel, Canada, US, Australia, Europe), most of them we still keep in touch with. Plus all patients are part of a Facebook group so we can ask questions and stay in touch with how everyone is doing. It felt like everyone was family at the clinic, the nurses and doctors are all so caring and work very hard. The clinic is like a 3 week bootcamp to ramp up your health and get you familiar with what you need to continue at home. When you are there for the 3 weeks, your treatments are in your hands. So you sign up for the time you want to do a certain treatment, if you don’t want to do it that day then you don’t. They don’t want people feeling rushed or pressured to do their treatments though you have to stay organized to get all the treatments you want done in the day.

Included with going to the clinic Dave has weekly calls with the Doctor for 12 weeks, after that he has email support for a year. Every three months dave will go back for a check up and more testing at the clinic. Dave is continuing with MRI’s here in MB every 3 months as well.

The last MRI was in January and we are happy to say that whatever was growing is now shrinking! We couldn’t be more excited and happy that these alternative treatments are working. It just shows how if you give your body the right things it will heal itself and that is what’s happening. Dave has more energy than ever, he’s started exercising a lot more and is now running. He ran 2 miles the other day! so inspiring. His hands are getting better from the neuropathy. He can do things with his hands he couldn’t before, like change brianne’s diaper or open a ziplock bag. Small victories but we celebrate them all!

If anyone wants more information about the clinic here is the website.

Our next trip back to the clinic is end of Feb/beginning of March.

Thanks again for everyone’s support, prayers and positive vibes! God Bless you all!

Take Care
Jessica, David and Brianne


Since the last update Dave’s MRI’s have been clear and he has done nine rounds of chemotherapy along with the IV treatments two days a week. Dave’s last MRI in October showed signs of tumor regrowth. Doctors told us the five days a month of chemotherapy wasn’t working anymore. We weren’t sure if we should proceed with the doctors plan of increasing the chemotherapy to three weeks per month. We know some people who have gone down to Mexico to clinics that do alternative cancer treatment and have had great success in helping treat their cancer. So we decided to do some research into the clinics and decided that this was something we wanted to do. Dave will be going down to the Hope4Cancer Institute in Tijuana, Mexico for three weeks. After that he will continue some of the protocols at home. Dave will continue to have MRI’s every three months.

This decision wasn’t easy but we believe that this is the direction we want to go with Dave’s treatment. Please keep Dave in your thoughts and prayers.

God Bless
Jessica and Dave


Dave has completed four rounds of chemotherapy. He handled it better than expected but still had some nausea and loss of appetite. The latest MRI mid april was clear and stable so are so relieved and happy! Thanks to everyone for their support and prayers.

He will continue the chemo and the next MRI will be in 3 months. So we continue to ask for your prayers for clear results.Dave is continuing the alternative IV treatments. Based on the MRI results we have decided to go down to two days a week. We would like to thank everyone for their continued support as we go through this. God Bless you all!

Jessica and Dave


We got the MRI results on Jan 9th and it was clear! We are very happy. Thanks for everyone’s thoughts and prayers.

So now the plan, after a lot of discussing, we have decided to start the chemotherapy. Dave will be taking chemo pills for 5 consecutive days and then have a 3-week break and then again 5 days on and 3 weeks off, etc for 12 months. We are going to take it one month at a time and see how he does. If it’s too much, Dave is going to stop this treatment.

Dave will be switching to long term disability and if he continues with the treatment will be off work until February 2016 or longer depending on recovery.

He will get routine MRI’s every three months to watch for any new tumor growth.

Dave is continuing the alternative IV treatments. These are now 3 times a week and they are going very good.


Dave started the Chemo and radiation on October 20th and finished radiation on Dec 3 and chemo on Nov 26th. The chemo finished earlier than expected because Dave’s platelet count was low. Nurse told us this should be back to normal in a couple of weeks. He lost his hair on the left side of his head due to the radiation 3 weeks in so he decided to shave his head. It was very tough to stay strong and positive throughout the treatments because Dave was sick a lot and very tired. It was not easy for him to do day to day things.

He is doing better now and recovering from the chemo and radiation well. He is more lively and happy.

Dave continues to do the alternative treatments 5 days a week and has now started using the Rife machine.
Dave has an MRI scan scheduled on January 5th and we should get the results the same week.

We are really looking forward to christmas and spending time with family and celebrating Brianne's first christmas. We continue to ask for your thoughts and prayers as we go through this and for Dave's MRI scan to be clear.‎

Thanks again for your support!
Merry Ch‎ristmas and Happy New Year from the Beaupre's

For young married couples, life is full of excitement, adventure and a lifetime of memories. For newly married David (age 28) and Jessica (age 27) Beaupre from the St.Adolphe area, an unexpected roadblock has turned their life upside down. They were married Oct. 1, 2011 and a year and a half later, David was diagnosed with a brain tumor (Oligoastrocytoma, grade 2). He was one of the first ones scheduled for surgery in the brand new operating room in Winnipeg, called the Intraoperative MRI, which allows them to do an MRI during the surgery. Recovery went well and they were confident the worst was behind them. Months later, they were overjoyed to find out that they were going to be parents and could once again celebrate life. They welcomed their little Angel, Brianne on July 2, 2014.

In August of 2014, David was once again diagnosed with a brain tumor, this time Gliobastoma, grade 4. A second surgery was completed on September 17th, 2014 to remove the tumour and recovery went well. The prognosis was not good for the stage 4 diagnosis, there is no cure but chemotherapy and radiation was scheduled to start on October 20th. This, along with close monitoring with the use of MRI's to watch for any new tumors.

Determined to fight this cancer with all they have, they also opted for alternative treatments. David is currently receiving IV treatments 5 days a week at a cost of $300.00 a day. The family has also purchased a Rife machine at a cost of $7,000.00 which is used to kill disease through high radio frequencies.

This young couple have been on an emotional roller coaster to say the least. They are a happy, optimistic, fun loving couple who feel blessed for everything they do have. Some days, however, are harder than others and they unfortunately have to look ahead with some very hard realities.

Although they are in the hands of God as far as the disease goes, the one thing we can help with is the huge financial burden they face. The costs associated with going through this process are extremely stressful. With not being able to work, this just adds to the burden of it all. We hope that this fund raiser will provide hope and give them some help with this fight of their life.

Love Family & Friends


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Shelly Senchuk
Winnipeg, MB

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