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Be Brave With Belinda!

Spende geschützt
Ms. Belinda James began working as an educator four years ago as a special education paraprofessional. She was offered a position as a certified teacher, teaching 3rd grade. Belinda is a very private person to most, but to those who know her she is humorous, kind, and a devoted mother and teacher. She displays  a calm demeanor, is agreeable, sympathetic, and happy to help. She reaches her students by recognizing their life experiences and interests, as part of her context for teaching. She is fighting a courageous battle against cancer and we would like to assist her as she cannot work at this time.


  • Julie Lynn
    • $50
    • 6 yrs

Spendenteam: Emily and Michelle (3)

Michelle Davis
Mableton, GA
Belinda James
Emily Wilson
Team member
Barbara Spriggs
Team member

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