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Barn Fire destroyed everything

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Every farm and livestock  owners nightmare is fire.  On Tuesday Don and Sally were sleeping when someone noticed the barn fire from the road. The old lovely wooden barn was  consumed along with sheep, lambs, goats. alpacas and Fig, a wonderful TB mare, in a matter of minutes. The fire department responded quickly but there was no hope of saving the barn or any of it's animals. Not only was there a massive loss of life the fire virtually melted Donny's truck and horse trailer, along with all of its contents. No firemen were hurt and they were able keep other buildings on the property from catching fire.      

Everyone knows Sally was the consummate sheep lover and very often had her kitchen full of lambs and other 4 legged creatures needing attention.  Donny is one of the nicest guys around and will give you the shirt off his back.  

As friend's it's difficult to know  how to help or what to do in this type of circumstance.  A nice monetary donation will help them with clean up and perhaps develop some type of new shelter.  Most of all I think Don and Sally would love to know that we care.


  • Carole Jones
    • $20
    • 5 yrs


Lezlie Hiner
Philadelphia, PA

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