Hauptbild der Spendenaktion

Hannah in Herrnhut!

Spende geschützt
I'm living in Herrnhut, Germany to staff with YWAM ( Youth With A Mission)! I'll be helping to staff the Revive Discipleship Training School, which will include mentoring students, a focus on worship, intercession, and revival in Europe; and a 10 week outreach to a developing nation to share the Good News and love of Jesus! 

Please be praying for me as I live in full time missions and please prayerfully consider supporting me financially! My needs right now are:
$2,000 for upcoming outreaches

On top of these up-front costs, I will be relying on God to provide $350-400 a month for living costs. This will cover my rent, staff fees, insurance, food, and all that good stuff. 

Thank you and God bless you!


  • Jeanne Effrein
    • $75
    • 7 yrs


Hannah Claire Halstead
Blair, NE

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt