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Aya's College Fund

Donación protegida

       Hi! My name is Aya Khablawi, and long story short, I'm trying to finish college, and in order to finish college, I need some finacial assistance. I'm currently enrolled at the Savannah College of Art and Design (SCAD) where I'm working hard to earn my Bachelor's of Fine Arts degree. I'm studying hard hard to have a degree in production design and art direction. After school I'd like to maybe work for the CIA as an interactive designer and also follow my dream in creating films and television shows.
        However, college is expensive and as of right now,  I have loans piling up  and still have tuition payments for the next year and a half.  It turns out private art school is really expensie on its own, and that doesn't even include the    price of materials, and groceries, and travel. I only have the cost of 12 classes left before I graduate and I feel, with my degree, and put a lot of good and beauty into the world.  My degree in set design and art directionmeans I'll be working to design beautiful and interactive works of art, anywhere from a large scale movie, to you local art gallery, to tools for the CIA!
        Creating this Gofundme was a bit of an internal debate for myself.  I personally want to come off as fully transparent as possible, and say  that  I'm asking  for people to donate and share this Gofundme simply out of the goodness of their hearts. I'm not really one to ask for handouts, but being a woman and being the child of two immigrants (from Cuba and Lebanon), it's put be an a rough position when it comes to succeeding and paying for higher education. It's makes it even harder  to ask people to support a   young, female, ethnic student, especially when I wish to pursue  the fine arts. And I know too, how art may seem secondary to most people; but art and creativity are the backbone of society. I'm asking for you to help me attend college, yes, but also more than that. I'm asking you to help me, not only  live my dream of being a young, educated artist, but I'm also asking you to help me share my creativity with the world and inspire and awe others with what I create.
        It is hard to ask someone to support you, especially when I am not able to provide much of a product in return.  All I can offer is a million  thank        yous to those who support me
       Also, to any future donors, I'd like to create a very small artwork for you, to show my gratitude.

       Thank you again to all those who donate and share, I can never express  how much it means that there may be people willing to support me in my   education and my mission to create art for the world to enjoy.

(Below I've included a very small sample of  some artwork I've created at my time at SCAD, as well as links to my personal website and social media where you can keep up   with all my latest works!) 
Follow me on instagram! @agoeskabam_art

Sanguine and Charcoal Drawing:

Cut Paper Collage:

Movie Poster:

Student Film Project (Role: Producer):  (This is my very first film ever and I hope to continue to improve thanks to your support!)
P.S. this is my very first official film and I hope to only continue to approve, thanks to your support!)



  • Todd Berky
    • $50
    • 5 yrs


Aya Khablawi
Lakeland, FL

Un sitio fácil, eficaz y de confianza donde encontrar ayuda

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