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Help Autumn and her family

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If you are on this list, you know the Labbe-Renault family, and know that they give a lot of their time and energy to our community. You may also know that they took on major caretaking and financial responsibility for Autumn's folks over the past several years.

This is a photo of Autumn, her father Lee, and her mother Samie, with their beloved kids/grandkids. Lee passed away last July, leaving Autumn and husband Craig to manage substantial medical and caregiving debts that Samie could not. At that time, her friends reached out through GoFundMe for assistance, and Autumn and her family were moved to tears by the generosity of the people who helped settle Lee's medical and mortuary costs. However, there was an ongoing financial struggle for Autumn’s family to cover Samie's medical costs this past year, including two broken hips, several hospital stays, and placement in care facilities. Now, Samie has passed; like Lee, she did not have life insurance and had minimal health insurance coverage. 

In addition to losing her second parent almost within a year, Autumn’s family is once again hard-pressed with cremation costs, medical bills and other end of life costs.  Many friends and community members have reached out to see what assistance they can provide to help Autumn and her family through this last mile. At the end of this long journey with Alzheimer's, please help Autumn and her family to find some peace and ease their burden.

Thank you in advance for your generousity,
Andrea Jones


  • Peggy Olivier
    • $50
    • 9 yrs


Andrea Jones
Davis, CA
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