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Armando needs help

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Armando Dominguez and his wife, son, and daughter have been serving where the need is greater in Williston ND Spanish since 2013. Wednesday August 22 , Armando was thrown from his bed by seizures and had to be taken to the hospital in Minot ND by airplane. He had no previous health issues. His diagnosis was a large brain tumor attached to a main blood vessel. His first operation will be in Minessota as soon as it can be arranged. Armando can’t work and requires constant attention from his wife. They have no savings . He is not expected to recover quickly. This page is designed so that those of us who want to help with their day to day expenses and travel costs can do so.


  • Anonym
    • $50 
    • 5 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Blanca Laube
Englewood, CO
Maria Consuelo Dominguez

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