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Arie :) SMILES

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Arie :) SMILES...  please help KEEP her smile here.

I was recently diagnosed with Silicone in both of my underarms as a result of my silicone breast implants.  This has activated a Silicone Autoimmune Disorder that is life threatening.  My body is attacking itself.  Attacking healthy blood cells, muscles, joints, nerves, tissues and organs.  Also, issues with "textured" implants, which I have, is associated with an ugly type of lymphoma, and I refuse to let this knock on MY front door.  

I have confirmed ultrasound & MRI results along with multiple consultations with various specialists.  I have an URGENT need to remove my silicone breast implants. I could have surgery next week, but I have absolutely no resources for funding this.  My team of doctors have a plan in place... removal of the silicone implants, an extensive detox protocol, IV therapies, a strict diet along with supplements and chiropractic care. 

I have complete faith in restoring my health.  I am a MIRACLE seeker, and they happen every day in my life, which I am grateful... This is a BIG MIRACLE needed.  This is a very painful disorder, and stress worsens the pain.  So, my deep faith and strong prayers are mostly WINNING at mind over matter.  

Yes, I have a challenging goal to meet... It actually costs more to remove the implants and replacing them is not an option.  I am seeking any help annd will continue to get creative in reaching my goal. I am feeling very alone with this at times and am praying for the resources to have complete victory over this obstacle...

I PLAN on sticking around to raise my beautiful 18 month old son, Bodhe. Please reach out to me if you want any further information or have any advice or support and feel free to share my link.

B E L I E V E... Miracles HAPPEN!

Much love always ~ Arie & Bodhe


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    • $100
    • 10 yrs


Arie Stroup
Phoenix, AZ

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