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Help for a Hero #Andrew Maltbey

Spende geschützt
Just after midnight, on May 28th, Andrew and his brother stopped to help an officer who was in a violent confrontation with a suspect from two convenience store thefts earlier that evening. The suspect was trying to get the officer’s gun and Andrew jumped out of his car and ran to the scene to help the officer. The suspect then obtained the officer’s gun and shot her in the hip area. The suspect then fired two rounds toward Andrew striking him in the chest. Andrew underwent surgery and, thankfully, is expected to make a full recovery.

If it were not for Andrew's quick and selfless actions, there is a good chance this polices officer would have been shot again and perhaps killed.

Our goal is to help raise money for Andrew to assist in medical costs and also know he will be unable to return to work for a while.

Please see below articles from Officer.com/news,  the Appleton Post Crescent and Appleton Police Department Facebook page.




We are very proud of our Hero!! Please spread the word and please help this Good Samaritan. Thank you!!


  • Aux Deputy from Va Beach WRS
    • $50
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Becky Collins Van Camp
Appleton, WI
Andrew Maltbey

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