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An 18-Month Journey to Artistic Bliss

Tax deductible
February 1st UPDATE: $11,950 raised from all sources ✅
Join us on a wild ride into artistic bliss over the next 18 months:
Grottesco Shorts: Ensemble members create new short pieces based on current passions. Danielle Reddick is hard at work. Myriah Duda has a new dance. Susie Perkins has a puppet piece. John Flax is working on a new Henry piece and Susan Skeele is weaving loss and dialogue between the living and dead with Grottesco’s Greek Chorus, using haiku. Send us a Haiku. It will be displayed in the lobby, on our website and may find its way on stage. FACTS: 6-8 new pieces, 6-8 artists, 2 designers, 6 months of development, 3 weeks of performance (incl. theater rental & marketing): $40,000
Share the tab: The New England Foundation for the Arts has transferred $15,000 from our COVID halted national touring grant to operational support. We’re putting it here.
 ‼️ February 1 st UPDATE: 4 more Shorts are in the works. $1,450 has been raised plus $15,000 from NEFA. $23,550 NEEDED BY APRIL 1ST. 
KWAK KWAK KWAK: May this be our last chapter of the King Without a Kingdom! This one is short, will be streamed nationally, and will be a blast when we let the Buffoons out of their box again! FACTS: 4 actors, 3 camera ops, 1 sound op, 1 video editor, marketing, etc.: $15,000
‼️ February 1 st UPDATE: Parts of this piece will be presented as Short works. The full piece will be produced in Summer 2022. $15,000 NEEDED BY SEPTEMBER 30 TH.
THE SURVEY: In collaboration with Axle Contemporary and Burning Books, Grottesco will create and perform a new piece based on America’s obsession with surveys. Fill out the wickedly fun survey you will receive in your email boxes. Grottesco will perform the result. FACTS: 2 months, 6 actors, 1 director, 2 writers, 2 gallery artists, 2 technicians, international marketing: $40,000 Share the tab: Santa Fe Department of Cultural Affairs ($30,000)
‼️ February 1 st UPDATE: Take the Survey. It’s still online! Performances will happen in Santa Fe early summer and will be video taped to stream. A show has been added on August 13 th at The Outpost in Albuquerque, sponsored by The Outpost and 516 Arts in memory
of Grottesco’s long-time composer and sound designer J.A. Deane. $10,000 NEEDED BY JUNE 1ST.

Action at a Distance (AaaD): The Lisa Fay/Jeff Glassman Duo returns to Santa Fe for the full version of this amazing piece, initiated in 2018. Six plays happening simultaneously, performed by 4 actors on a 10’ x 10’ grid. Think jazz.
FACTS: 3 intensive months followed by 4 weeks of performances in Santa Fe and Albuquerque, 4 actors, 3 director/choreographers, costumes, props, theater rental, marketing: $65,000  
Share the tab: National Endowment for the Arts: $50,000 (pending).
‼️ February 1 st UPDATE: THIS JUST IN -- NEA application denied!!! Fay/Glassman Duo is now applying to the National Theatre Project, results announced mid-summer.
TWO ARTISTS IN PRISON… An autocratic near future where artists are imprisoned. Our two entertain the guards with a story each day, and on this day, the story is Beowulf. Only one of the prisoners knows the story….
FACTS: 10 months development and rehearsal followed by 3 weeks of performances in Santa Fe. Built to tour. 2 actors, 1 director, 2 video artists, costumes, props, set, theater rental, marketing: $75,000
Share the tab: New England Foundation for the Arts $8,000, National Endowment for the Arts ($10,000 pending), McCune Foundation ($7,500 pending) New Mexico Arts ($5,000 pending)
‼️ February 1 st UPDATE: We have begun development work on this project. FUNDING needed for rehearsals and production beginning Fall 2022. We believe in telling the truth with our art. That obliges us to tell the truth with our administration. So no sugar coating. These one-of-a-kind projects will cost $235,000 total.

We already have $53,000 raised with $72,500 pending That’s over halfway!! ($22,500 PENDING as of FEBRUARY 1 st with a new application underway) . Don’t be frightened by these numbers.
These are our goals:
$10,500 by December 31st, 2021 ACHIEVED ✅
$49,000 by June 30, 2022 $1,450 raised, $47,550 TO GO
$50,000 by December 31st, 2022.

$100 covers one actor for one performance. $300 covers one actor for a week of rehearsals (20hrs/week, $15/hour). $1,000 covers 3 days theater rental. Sponsor a show, an actor, a designer. Anything you can provide will be greatly appreciated. Let’s make something beautiful, surprising, smart, and funny together. The world needs us.


  • Rick Stoller
    • $200
    • 1 yr
  • James Flax
    • $200
    • 2 yrs
  • Robert Skeele
    • $100
    • 2 yrs
  • Silvia Stenitzer
    • $100
    • 3 yrs
  • Judy Brown
    • $50
    • 3 yrs


Mariah Olesen
Santa Fe, NM
Theatre Grottesco North America Inc

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