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Amy and Baby Wilson Support

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On Feb 16, my sister Amy was on her way to the Salt Lake Temple when she became the victim of a head on collision that left two others dead and one more seriously injured. My sister was 34 weeks pregnant at the time, and the baby was delivered via emergency C-section upon arriving at the hospital.

Amy has been through many surgeries already, and still has a long list of needed treatments. She lost a kidney, her spleen, and is still fighting a traumatic brain injury on top of multiple bone fractures in her pelvis and ribs and an open knee fracture. Baby girl was born without a heartbeat and received CPR for 11 minutes before she was resuscitated. The baby is still being monitored for damage to her kidneys, liver and brain due to the lack of oxygen at birth. Both mom and baby are in critical condition as of February 18th. We don’t know how long their recovery will be or what the long-term repercussions are as of yet.

This page was setup as a way to support the family in their time of need to help cover current and future expenses.


  • Anonym
    • $1,000
    • 7 yrs


Matthew Donald Stevenson
Kaysville, UT

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