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Alyssa's Homecoming

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Family, friends, and the entire Mayfield community, please share this campaign for my friends.  If you are able to contribute, it will be greatly appreciated.  

Our friend, Alyssa, is an amazing 9-year-old girl who has faced multiple health challenges.  At a young age, she was diagnosed with hydrocephalus which required two brain surgeries and has caused intense headaches throughout her young life.   At the beginning of November she became paralyzed with no sensation from the waist down and was diagnosed with transverse myelitis.  The cause is unknown and doctors do not believe it is related to her previous medical problems. They are optimistic that she will walk again but it will be a long road and recovery is not guaranteed. She is currently in intensive rehabilitation and working very hard in therapy, working to develop upper body strength.  She must learn to function within her limitations and transfer herself to and from her wheelchair in order to be able to come home.

When Alyssa comes home, she will have many needs. Her family will need to renovate their bathroom, widen doorways, build a ramp, and do other things to make their home and vehicle accessible for Alyssa.  They will also have extensive medical bills from at least two months at Rainbow Babies & Childrens Hospital and the Cleveland Clinic Rehabilitation Hospital.

She is being completely supported by her parents, sister, grandparents, aunts, and cousins.  Since time is consumed by staying with her at the hospital, meeting with her doctors and social workers, and making all the necessary arrangements for her care, work time is limited. With the mounting expenses and limitations on their income, this family needs the support of the wider community.

Alyssa is handling her limitations like a champ! She is very strong, brave, and determined in her therapy. If you are able to help Alyssa and her family in any way, it would be sincerely appreciated. They are very grateful for the help that has already been given.


  • Janie Miller
    • $100
    • 7 yrs
  • Anonym
    • $30 (Offline)
    • 8 yrs

Organisator und Spendenbegünstigter

Debbie Kramer
Cleveland, OH
Halle Clabaugh

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt