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Alton Cheeves #Blessed

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Alton is a beautiful example of how God can turn a life around!  He is constantly and enthusiastically sharing his story with others and is a bright light in any room he enters. Recently, Alton, who is diabetic, has had a challenging bout with cellulitis in his leg. Praise to God that his leg is healing, however, his medical bills continue to come in. With the help of his friends and brothers and sisters in Christ, we are hoping to alleviate some of that financial burden on him and his wife. Thanks in advance and as Alton would say-He is blessed and highly favored!!


  • Joel Peel
    • $250
    • 6 yrs


Lori Williams
Woodway, TX

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    Deine Spende ist durch die Spendengarantie von GoFundMe geschützt