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Alligator Robb saved Chance, now let's SAVE HIM!

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In 2018, my husband met Frank Robb while responding to a nuisance wildlife call.  An alligator, simply described as “large,” had wandered into a residential neighborhood and made himself at home in the community retention pond.  Brian watched from a distance as Frank raised his hands to his mouth and made a noise that sounded exactly like a baby alligator calling for his momma. The noise instantly piqued the interest of the large alligator and he began swimming towards Frank to investigate.  While most of us would run the other way, Frank got closer to the edge of the water and attempted to catch the alligator using a fishing pole.  Suspicious and leery of a baby alligator that stands 6-feet-tall, the large reptile disappeared down into the murky water.  From years of experience, Frank knew he would have to give this alligator a little space and try again in a few hours. Walking over to Brian, introductions were made, and the two men began discussing a strategy for catching the reptile.  By the end of afternoon, the unwelcomed pond guest was successfully captured, and a friendship began that brought one of the kindest, most respectful and humble human beings I have ever met into my family’s life. 

Alligator trapping is not a career one chooses for the purpose of making money, nor is it a career for the timid.  The hours are erratic with call outs in the middle of the night, the pay is nominal, and there is no medical insurance.  There is also no shortage of danger associated with handling alligators.  Equipped with 80 teeth, a body of armor, and the ability to run 20 mph, catching alligators and re-homing them takes someone who has nerves of steel and cat-like reflexes.  Training, experience and education are a must.  Frank possesses all these traits, plus a natural born talent, all his own.

To give a great example of Frank’s incredible talent, in July of 2019, the city of Chicago found itself the host of an unusual guest.  A five-foot alligator was spotted in the Humboldt Park Lagoon and it was drawing a large crowd.  After a week of evading capture, the city knew they needed a little extra help and “Alligator Robb,” was at the top of their list.  Flown in on a Sunday night, Frank captured the elusive gator Monday night, using his unique and extremely effective alligator call.  The city was both amazed and grateful, and “Chance the Snapper” was rehomed at the St. Augustine Alligator Farm and Zoological Park, in St. Augustine, Florida.  Through the entire event, Frank was true to his nature, humble in both mind and action, and thanked God for his Grace and Blessings. 

With the spotlight shining on him, Frank took this opportunity to educate the world about alligators, wildlife and the environment.  Using his own time and money, Frank launched “EEARSS,” (Environmental Educational Awareness Research Support and Services) a non-profit organization, which he built from the ground up.  EEARSS is an organization which both my husband and I believe and participate in as active Board Members.  Frank’s passion for education is surpassed only by his desire to help unwanted and misunderstood creatures of all types, and when not doing either of those, he is creating coloring books for children to help them learn about alligators, as well. With such a busy schedule, it is no wonder Frank was beginning to feel a bit run down, but unfortunately, it became more than just that.

Short of breath and energy, Frank finally went to the doctors in October, where he underwent tests and learned his heart was not working properly.  Doctors then confirmed his worst fear, he needed heart surgery.  As the news sank in, Frank’s doctor then told him due a previous chest surgery as a child, he was considered high risk, making the bad news even worse.

No one wants to hear they need heart surgery.  Everything about it is stressful and scary.  The procedure always comes with risks and the recovery is long, uncomfortable and exhausting.  The steps just leading up to surgery are both mentally and physically draining, and if that is not enough, Frank has additional worries – big ones.  To date, Frank has still not found a surgeon willing to take on a high-risk patient, much less one who does not have insurance.  He is also concerned about how he will support himself in the months following the surgery, when catching wildlife and alligators is not an option.  Then, on top of it all, how will he even pay for surgery, a surgery his life depends on?

There are a lot of people in the world who need help.  There are not as many who have spent their entire life in the service of helping others.  Frank Robb, with his humble, grateful, gracious, kind, respectful and funny disposition needs help.  On Frank’s behalf, my family and I ask for your help, and hope together we can raise the funds needed for Frank’s surgery and recovery.  The world is definitely a better place with Frank Robb in it and there is no doubt that he is not done educating the world about wildlife, including one of the last remaining dinosaurs, the American Alligator.  Funds are needed immediately, so please donate today.  Don't wait, Frank can't. 


Please check out the following links to learn more about Frank:   

EEARS - https://eearss.org 













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Laura Leister
Palm Bay, FL
Frank Robb
Frank Robb
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