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Haitian Summer Camp

Doação protegida

We are excited to be traveling to Haiti with the founders of Sustainable Action International, a non profit organization dedicated to bettering the lives of the Haitian people. In July, we will conduct workshops for 60 teachers from several villages near La Victoire.  These teachers are young adults who can read and write, but have no educational background.  We are excited to assist them in better educating the children.

 Along with educating the teachers, we decided to dedicate our afternoon to the children.  We are conducting a mini camp for the childen who live in and near La Victoire. We are hoping to not only teach, play games, and do arts and crafts with these very needy children, but feed them as well.  Many of these children do not eat every day, so we want to fill their bellies with nutritional lunches for the four days of camp.  This is where we need your help. Please consider making a donation so we can supply lunches for our 200 campers. We appreciate your help.
          All donations are tax deductible through SAI.

Thank you,
 Nancy, Mary, Terry, Kendra, and Karina 
   and Sustainable Action International


  • Anônimo
    • $25
    • 10 yrs


Nancy Froy
Northbrook, IL

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