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ACA need your support! 我们需要你的支持!

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Hello Everyone, my name is Cavin Fung, Founder and President of Asian Culture Alliance.  
大家好! 我是馮念祖, 亞洲文化聯盟創始人及總會長。

Before I dive in, I would first like to express my gratitude for your time today to listen to my story and hopefully by the end of my letter you will consider joining us in making history together.   
首先, 謝謝您撥空看這封信, 也希望能由此, 邀約您加入我們, 共同寫下歷史!  

I am the eldest son of immigrant parents from Taiwan. My late father whose profession was a school principal as well as an office machine technician; he had much larger dreams though it was considered a respectable living, he was always searching for a better life for our family.
我是家中長子, 父親是學校的校長兼技師, 懷抱夢想能夠爭取一個更好的生活。

I vividly remember my father telling me "Son, I promise one day I will bring you and our family to the best land on earth.” At that very moment, all I could think to myself was “Where could that possibly be?” At the young age of eight, all I had ever known was our small world in Taiwan, so I hadn’t given it much consideration after that conversation.   
我清晰地記得他曾告訴我: "兒子, 我承諾有一天一定會帶你和我們一家到全世界最棒的國家", 只有8 歲的我, 腦袋裡只知道台灣, 十分懵懂那是個什麼地方?又會是個什麼樣子呢? 之後也沒再多想了!  

Not long after my father had indeed kept his word and brought us to this land, the answer to a better life all along was now right there in front of us, The United States of America!   
不久之後, 父親實踐了他的承諾。帶了我們到他口中所說, 可以有更好的生活的國家, 美國!  

As time passed, the only true connection to my roots and my culture was my mother. She devoted all of her time and knowledge into raising us until the day came that our community became our family, that she became a pastor and preach to not only us, but to our community as well.  Two of her lessons that have always stuck with me were; never forget your culture, it is the root of each person and communities are as important as we are to each other as family, because they are family.
時光流轉, 我和自己傳統文化唯一的聯繫, 就是我的母親。她付出了所有的時間精力, 撫育我們, 直到母親成為一名神職人員, 照顧的對象由我們成為了整個社區。而母親的話也一直迴盪在耳際, 永遠不要忘記你的文化, 那是我們個人以及社區賴以為生根基, 重要性就像一個家庭, 而透過文化的連結, 就會成就一個大家庭。  

Fast forward, I am now the father of four daughters and one son. In the beginning, as I am sure most young fathers have experienced, I had no idea what I was doing. It wasn’t until I read “The Ultimate Guide to a Happy Life  ,” did I truly understand what responsibilities we all have as individuals and to each other. So, I decided to start a community to impart this knowledge and give back. With the support of my family and friends during this process, I realized we have the ability, knowledge, and opportunity to transfer these crucial life lessons to help make our communities a better place for not only our future but more importantly, the future of all our children. This was the beginning of the Asian Culture Center.   
很快地, 我也成為一位父親, 有四個女兒一個兒子。就像每一個年輕父親所經歷過的, 我懵懵懂懂的當著父親, 直到我讀到了"弟子規", 我霎時領會了我們對自己及他人應該有的責任! 我了解到能力、知識, 以及機會, 讓我們更可以將這些人生課題提升到更好的境界, 這不單單為了我們, 更重要的是為了我們的孩子。也正由此, 亞洲文化中心的概念在我心中萌發。  

In the last five years, I have dedicated my life to creating this thriving community based on the central idea of shared cultural knowledge, arts, and increasing community involvement.  
在過去的五年, 我竭盡心力弘揚我們的文化, 促進社區融合。

Because I am a firm believer in leading by example, I have invested my own earnings and thankfully, with the help of our Asian Culture Alliance family, we have been able to continue on with our mission until now. While we are very active in our mission, we are now asking the community to help us by becoming a donor so we may continue to thrive and sharing our cultural knowledge, arts, and continuing to create community involvement.
為了構建亞洲文化聯盟這個大家庭, 我以堅強的信念, 感恩的心, 投入了我的心力和金錢,也讓這個理念得以堅持到現在。但現在我們已經無以為繼, 不得不向您開口求助了! 期望能透過您的捐助, 讓我們宏揚文化、促進社區融合的工作能繼續下去!  

Our Mission :  Guiding our children’s future through Culture, Education and Arts  
我們的使命 -- 經由文化、教育和藝術引導我們的孩子  

What we have accomplished in the last five years?
五年來, 跌跌撞撞, 但我們成功的開創了 --

​ACA Actively Promotes: A social education 'The Ultimate Guide to a Happy Life "​
弟子規 - 現代英文版  又名 快樂生活終極指南

Asian Culture Center is a community center located in downtown - 333 S 6th Street Las Vegas, Nevada 89101. We are a pure volunteer runned operation which is open to the public 7 days a week. We provide a space in the community where everyone is welcome to participate and also to share their culture. We are also the only community center in town that applies a zero-barrier policy and so we do not charge a membership fee so that everyone may participate. We are continuing to grow at a rapid pace which is why we need your help.  (702) [phone redacted]  
亞洲文化中心 :  一個地方法院義工指派社區中心,坐落於市區  - 333 S 6th Street,  Las Vegas, Nevada 89101. 一個純粹由義務工作者們開創的文化新天地, 全年無休, 每週七天開放給大家, 為了照顧好每一個文化藝術的社區成員, 我們不收取任何費用, 堅持零負擔原則, 沒有會員費, 不要門票, 任何人都可以無負擔參與。我們的活動廣受歡迎, 參與人數不斷擴大, 正因此不得不向您求助!

Asian Culture Day - A Nevada State Law NRS 236.032 declaring May 18 each year as Asian Culture Day, this was sponsored through the Nevada State Government by Senator Scott Hammond along with Asian Culture Alliance. It is the first state to have an Asian Culture Day, our vision is perhaps one day it will become a Nation-Wide holiday.
(702) [phone redacted] ext. 518     Official Website: 
亞洲文化節 : 內華達州法 NRS 236.032 明定每年的5月18日是法定的亞洲文化節, 這是由參議員史考特 漢蒙德 (Scott Hammond)專門為亞洲文化聯盟促成的立法, 也是全美第一個州立的亞洲文化節;我們更期待有一天能成為全美國的國定節日。 

Asian Culture TV (ACTV) has been operating for over 2 years now.  It is currently a 24/7 local and global TV network. More information at .  It is the only true Asian-American TV Network that embraces all 48 Asian Nations under one roof.  TV industry professionals and analysts have said that operating a TV Network that produces local programs with only positive family-oriented themes without sex, violence and bad news is impossible!  ACTV’s CEO, Mr. Carl Magno, together with a team of passionate and dedicated TV hosts and a team of experienced technical, production and distribution systems and technologies have proven them wrong.  It has worked because the entire team, mostly volunteers working 7 days a week, embrace the vision and work to make it happen. Mr. Carl Magno (702) [phone redacted] ext 31
亞洲文化電視網 : 目前已經開播第三年, 一個每週七天, 每天24小時播出的頻道, 是一個立足拉斯維加斯, 向全世界播出的全球電視網。您可以登入 瞭解更多內容。這是一個真正的涵蓋48個亞洲國家的美國亞洲電視網, 一個沒有色情, 沒有暴力, 沒有惡質新聞的優質電視台。亞洲文化電視由執行長卡爾 馬格諾 (Carl Magno) 率領專業性強的義工團隊, 7天24小時操持, 精心製作的節目, 雅俗共賞, 適合全家收看, 廣受好評。

What you can do to contribute and join us today?

Become a vital part of our vision by becoming one of our generous donors today.  
ACA Website: 
成為一位捐助人 :  捐款贊助我們的會務及活動, 讓我們能繼續為我們及孩子的文化、教育和藝術, 奉獻心力。請參訪網站 


Join! Annual May 18 Asian Culture Day Celebration    
ACD information at:
Please contact ACD Director Mr. Ryan Tsui (702) [phone redacted] ext 19
May God bless us all!  祝福您!

Faithfully at your service,  中華文化忠誠服務者及守護人

Cavin Fung  馮念祖敬上
Asian Culture Alliance 亞洲文化聯盟
333 S 6th St.
Las Vegas, NV 89101 

GuideStar Profile 

Asian Culture Alliance 亞洲文化聯盟是美國聯邦 501c3 非營利慈善機構認證號 EIN 47-4637009

2017 Nevada Senate Hearing

2018 Asian Culture Day Celebration 

February 27th 2017 Asian Culture Day Nevada Senate Hearing 

2018 May 16th Asian Culture Day Celebration Kick-off with Senator Scott Hammond and ACD Chairman Mr. Steve Schorr 

2018 May 17th Asian Culture Day Celebration  Fremont Street Experience Countdown with ACTV Music Asia Hosts Esmeralda Padilla-Gould and Art Mendoza

2018 May 17th Asian Culture Day Celebration  Fremont Street Experience Countdown with Vietnamese Beauty Queens and Ms DJ Joy

2018 May 16 Asian Culture Day Fremont Street Experience Kick-off Celebration with Chinese Tea Ceremony 

#AsianCultureDay #love #unite_share_celebrate #community #culture #art #friends #family #asianfood #AsianCultureAlliance #AsianAmericanGroups #種族歧視 #亞洲文化聯盟 #亞洲文化節 #AsianCultureCenter #亚洲文化中心


  • Susan Moy
    • $20
    • 5 yrs

Fundraising team: Patriots (10)

Cavin Fung
Las Vegas, NV
Asian Culture Alliance
DingRong Liu
Team member
Carl Magno
Team member
Dayton Blacc
Team member
Franklin Fung
Team member

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