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Global Diabetes Film Series aboutadiabetic.com

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"about a diabetic" is an initiative that was born when summer was in bloom the summer of 2018. Perhaps the heat went over my head but my curiosity got the better of me. How's life for diabetics around the world? Wouldn't it be great to document and later to publish it on aboutadiabetic.com?

I "prepared"... packed my bags and left. I wished to meet and learn about other diabetics. Past Stockholm, continue across the Baltic sea and further beyond. 

What began as an interesting idea has almost a year later grown in to full-blooded and sincere passion to depict what unites and separates diabetics around the world.
There is so much to do, so little time, diabetes is a  global health crisis and we need to get informed to be aware of what is happening. It's such a waste to be privileged and yet unaware of how lucky you are.
If you, like me were born in thank-your-lucky-stars-for-this-amazing-diabetes-treatment-paradise like Sweden, How do you pay it forward to those less fortunate? 
INFORMATION INFORMATION INFORMATION, that's what's up; and I need your help so we can put the pedal to the metal and make it big. What d'you say?  

The project/framework

It's been a long and winding road for me since that record-breaking heat of a summer. I was convinced and determined by the idea to meet and film diabetics, live with them for 24-72 hours , to the point that I just went for it. Forget the fact that I never held a camera before or knew even less about running a project, my attitude was that you learn along the way. A good idea and a stubborn (read ignorant) personality  can take you a long way.
It was very irresponsible and the trial and error method has gotten old for me by now. I've let some people down and sometimes failed to deliver but at times it went well. 
The people I've met along the way, the encouragement and worldwide contacts have developed in to more than just a film series.
I've found my place for the moment and will start to expand.  

So far we've covered Germany, Switzerland, Sweden, Finland, Poland, Czech Republic, Spain and France. This autumn/winter I turn the compass far east and visit Asia. 
What unites and separate diabetics around the world?  Each diabetic is unique, but what about larger groups of individuals? Can we determine patterns among cultures and countries? What can we learn from each other? And what about the characteristics and distinctions between type 1/2 diabetics? That's what I'm set to investigate.

Each diabetic brings something new to the table by the variation of what they’ll show and tell. There is no do’s and don’ts, any activity or component are welcome. The participators figure out basic activities beforehand while I create and shape the end result.

about a diabetic also focus on relatives and friends of the diabetics and depict their view and unique perspective on diabetes.

About me

I’m a 31 year old, type 1 diabetic from Sweden. My curiosity and appetite for a social diabetic context lead me down this road. 
When I began this journey in October I was new in the field without any prior experience of photo, film, editing, programming, running a company etc... It's been a lot to handle, but with support and encouragement things are finally coming together.

I have a team of mentors family, friends and lovely participators that has been generous beyond believe. But I need both financial support and more staff to continue. 

Any support/donation to make the diabetes project grow will be greatly appreciated!

Please share if you care! :)

For more information please visit:


/ Alexander Edenwind

Spenden (3)

  • Martin Ludwichowski
    • kr1,000
    • 5 yrs


Alexander Edenwind

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