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Summer Internship in San Francisco

Donación protegida
Hello! I am Alex Hudson and I am happy to announce that I will be a college graduate come spring semester of 2019 (God willing)! With my final year as a student at Michigan State University fast approaching, I am working to fulfill my last few requirements to be eligible for graduation.  One of the requirements is to complete an internship.  I am humbled to have been selected as one of only eight students to represent MSU in San Francisco, California as an intern in my field of study.  This internship will not only allow me to earn the appropriate credits for graduation, it will also provide me with a taste of the work life in California for eight weeks.

Here is where I need your help.  As many of you know, California is not a cheap please to be.  I am seeking the continued support of those who have been active in my development thus far as well as those who have recently joined me on my journey to become a successful young adult.  All donations are welcome and very much appreciated.

Your contribution will help with the following: 

·        Travel costs (round trip flight and on-site transportation)

·        Meals for 8 weeks

·        Program fee

·        Emergency/pocket money


  • Evelyn Dungey
    • $50
    • 6 yrs


Alex-Saundra Hudson
East Lansing, MI

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