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A Million Dreams For Jas

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Jasmine McGough, our beautiful, talented friend, has been seriously injured, and we need your support to help with her ongoing care and rehabilitation.

On July 5th, 2022, Jas was on a family holiday in Margaret River when she fell from her mountain bike, fracturing her C5 vertebrae and was airlifted to Royal Perth Hospital. Despite immediate surgery to remove the pressure, her spinal cord was severely damaged, resulting in a complete C5 Spinal Cord Injury.

Jasmine is 14, known for her beautiful smile and being a keen athlete enjoying success in a variety of sports, including surf club, netball and swimming and more recently, cycling.

Jas had fallen in love with cycling after being picked up through the WAIS talent identification program in September 2021. After success at state champs, she was picked to represent Western Australia at the Junior National Track Cycling Championships in Brisbane early this year. She trained hard to achieve her best for WA, bringing home gold, silver and bronze medals.

She had a bright cycling career ahead of her, even daring to dream about the Olympics Games in Brisbane in 2032. However, those dreams have been shattered, and Jas now has the most significant challenge imaginable in front of her. Her parents Sophie and Leon, and brother Charlie will be beside her.

Jas, Leon, Charlie and Sophie are very thankful for the overwhelming support they have already received to date, and they can feel the collective love surrounding them.

Jas is in ICU at RPH, and it will be 6 - 9 months before we know what future functionality she will have.

While the immediate future is uncertain, it's clear the path forward and ongoing care she'll need will be extensive and expensive. The rehabilitation journey will be long and costly to get Jas back home.

We're asking for your help to raise funds to ensure Sophie and Leon can provide the care and treatment Jas needs going forward as they tackle this life-changing injury and provide ongoing care for Jasmine.

This page is called ‘a million dreams for Jas’ after one of her favourite songs. We know that the world will be different for Jas in the future but that her beautiful family and friends will help her to build her dreams again.

‘A million dreams for the world we’re gonna make.’

Spendenteam: A Million Dream for Jas (10)

Kathryn Preston
Sorrento, WA
Leon McGough
Damien Inglis
Team member
Justine Teggelove
Team member
Lisa Cheeseman
Team member
Lisa Lambasa
Team member

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