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Will's Fight!!!

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As some of you may or may not know our son Will Linscott has been quite ill this summer. In fact he had spent his entire summer of 2019 fighting for his life. He had suffered from a very bad pneumonia which led him to be intubated, and put in an induced coma for two weeks. His recovery from intubation has been a struggle as it is for most and has been quite difficult. You would be surprised how fast muscle and body can deteriorate from not moving for two weeks. Will had needed a tracheostomy as he continues to require extra oxygen and support in order to breathe. His current condition is stable and his lung condition has seemed to have "plateaued". Unfortunately, Will’s lungs will not be able to recover from this second case of pneumonia he has had this year and has been officially re-enlisted for a second Bi-Lateral Lung Transplant. Will continues to fight every day by keeping up with the criteria that is required in order to stay enlisted for Lung Transplant. He works his hardest with Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, and eating to stay active on the list. He will remain here , in the PICU,  at the Childrens Hospital of Philadelphia,  where he will continue to wait for his new lungs. Will has good days and bad days but again is not willing to give up even on the worst of days. He continues to astonish the Dr.’s and Staff here at CHOP with his efforts and persistence. Nothing seems to amaze us as we all know what a fighter Will is and the Warrior he has become throughout these past 4 years. He continues to overcome everything life has thrown at him and will soon overcome this as well. Those of you that do not know Will he is currently a 16 year old boy who was an active and very athletic teen diagnosed with Acute Myeloid Leukemia at the age of 13. After several rounds of Chemotherapy and Radiation Will would have a Bone Marrow Transplant which was a match from his older sister. He would later develop what is known as Graph Vs Host disease which was treatable in the beginning but would take a turn for the worse when it would attack his lungs. He would then develop what is known as Bronchiolitis Obliterans which would leave Will with only 17% lung function and in the need of a Bi-Lateral Lung Transplant. His Lung Transplant would be a success and his recovery was remarkable. He had joined the Varsity Soccer Team and continued his Jr. year of High School 5 months after Lung Transplant. It wasn’t until February of 2019 when Will would be hospitalized for Flu. However, this would not stop Will from joining the Varsity Track Team. It was April and one day prior to his first Track Meet he would have his 1st case of pneumonia with a case of pneumatosis which would hospitalize Will for weeks. His recovery would not enable him to compete in Track for the remainder of the year but he was yet determined to finish out his Junior Year of High School and would receive the Student Achievement Award. It has been since June 21st of 2019, just after the first weekend of summer vacation Will has been hospitalized here at CHOP. It is here he will need to wait for his next Lung Transplant. Will’s Fight has been started up again to provide his family with the relief of travel expenses and temporary relocation of pre and post lung transplant once again. You can join Will’s Fight!!! by donating to his cause and what seems to be the continuous battle for his life. We are so grateful for all the continuous support and donations that we received throughout these years. Without the continuous donations, prayers, and community support from friends and families we feel things may have been quite different for our son. We are in hopes that one day Will’s Fight will be able to give back to other families in similar situations, families in need, just to make a true difference in their lives as you all have in ours.



  • Lindsay Serianni
    • $10
    • 5 yrs


Bill Linscott
Frankfort, NY

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