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One Survivor To The Next Survivor.

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Help my Mom Battle Breast Cancer
Hello my Friends, Fans and fellow Survivor Castaways. I set up this charity for the one lady who has never let me down and always pushed me to do more. This lady is my Mom. She was recently diagnosed with breast cancer. Although this would bring most people down, she is a very strong women. When she was a young girl she lost both her parents to cancer. I believe this is why her and I have such a strong bond. She always finds a way to make everything positive.
Over the past 3 months she has had multiple surgeries. She is set to start round two of chemo this week. Looking at her now you could tell nothing is wrong, She is very positive and has a great outlook of the future. The one thing that is breaking both our hearts is the loss of her hair. This is the one thing that she is struggling with. Each passing day she loses more and more. Although we were very optimistic about the chance of not losing her hair, there are still 5 more treatments of chemo ahead. I set this charity up to help her buy a few nice wigs and help with other medical expenses. Although her insurance covers most of her treatments, a cranial prosthetic (wig), is not covered. Nice wigs are very expensive. I want my Mom to feel comfortable around friends, family and strangers. I want her to be the happiest she can during this tough time.
My Mom is the reason I applied for Survivor. It was our show for many years. I accomplished a dream for the both of us when I competed. It is also a reason why I have met many of you. From competing with you, to meeting you at various charity events, we connected because of Survivor. I want my Mom to be a Survivor too. If you are able to help a little, THANK YOU!! If not, even reaching out to her would make her day. Shoot her a hello and tell her who you are. I am grateful for it all. Please help pass the word!! If you do decide to donate the site is very easy and takes just a minute. Even $5 helps. Say a prayer and put out good vibes for her. Thank you.

Sincerely Yours,

Michael Jefferson


  • Anónimo
    • $2,165
    • 11 yrs


Michael Jefferson
Seattle, WA

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