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Hurricane Irma Family Relief

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Hello Family, Friends and Friends of Friends who have happened to come across this account. As you likely have heard, Hurricane Irma hit the island of St. Maarten with a category 5 severity level. This hurricane destroyed the majority of this beautiful island and the homes in which the people of the island resided. Of those, 40 of those individuals are my family.

I am devastated knowing that my own family has been suffering since Irma hit.  My family's business was looted and their entire livelihood has been emptied.  My 4 sisters and their families total 40 people. That is 40 people that know and love have been affected.  I thank God that ALL OF THEM SURVIVED. 

Right now, I have limited communication with everyone over there. Last time I talked to my sister she assured me that they are okay, however, I know that deep down they are afraid. They are running out of food, fresh water, have very limited electricity and they are living each day as it comes. Attached are some of hte pictures that my sister has sent me including the copy of a letter that my sister, Amy, wrote.

I am reaching out to all my family and friends here in the U.S. to help my family in St. Maarten. It would really mean the world to them in helping them rebuild their lives after such a horrific disaster.  Anything helps. 

Thank you all so very much.





  • James Bilder
    • $100
    • 7 yrs


Josie Gorman
Tucson, AZ

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