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16-year-old rape victim Fundraiser

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Social media has been ablaze with fury after horrifying pictures, and video fragments emerged of a young Somali girl being brutally gang raped. A helpless 16-year-old student stripped naked and hurled with insults after the ‘deed’ was done. We have received numerous messages from around the world asking whether Somali Faces can help the victim and her family. We've been trying extremely hard to get the latest information on the current plight of this innocent soul, so we visited her at the hospital to see her and her mother. Though we are not a charity, and we were busy in helping the 90-year-old grandmother, we couldn’t ignore this so we started a fundraiser for her. She could be your daughter, your sister, your niece or wife.

The savagery attack happened on a cold December afternoon. They kidnapped her and brought her to a remote area outside the town of Galdogob. For hours on end, she was inflicted with the most brutal gang rape, too vicious for us to narrate the details. She valiantly fought back but couldn’t fend off the might of six male teenagers. She gave up, so they stabbed her three times at three different places. To gloat their heinous act, they video recorded her, helpless and naked whilst pleading for her life. They didn’t stop at that but posted it on social media, to revel in what they inflicted on this poor girl. She is still in the hospital with substantial injuries and severely traumatised albeit the episode happened more than a month ago. This shows the serious extent of her injuries and the trauma that they inflicted on her. The family fled from the town that they called their home for many years. The father (who has fallen ill upon hearing the news) and her brothers are filled with anger but feel helpless, put yourself in their shoes. The culprits have confessed, and there is a court proceeding underway.

What can we do?

We have visited and spoken to the afflicted family. The mother has ten children with the youngest less than a year old. She was the breadwinner but left her job to take care of the victim – the daughter. The father is unemployed (for good reasons) and is struck with grief and shock. They fled the town to a different city, for fear of being ostracised. They need our help to rebuild their lives somewhere else, somewhere new so let’s donate what we can. Somali Faces will make sure that the money goes towards to the family. Unfortunately, they refused – for fear of reprisals – to get their picture taken but once we hand the money to the family, we will make sure to take pictures of that. We have been given assurance that there is a program in place that will provide her with counselling services once she recovers from her wounds.

Please share and donate generously.


Baraha bulshada ku kulanto ee Internet waxaa kusoo kordhay maalmahan sawirro iyo fiidow anshaxa ka baxsan oo ah wiilal fara xumeynaya isla markaana kufsaday gabar yar oo Soomaaliyeed. Waxaa nasoo gaaray fariimo aad u badan ka yimid Soomaalida ku kala nool daafaha adduunka kuwaas oo naga codsaday in aan raadino xogta dhabta ah gabadha yar ku sugantahay iyo in aan caawino gabarta yar iyo qoyskeeda. Waxaa noo suurta gashay in aanu ku booqano cisbitaalka iyada iyo hooyadeed ku jiraan. Somali Faces ma aha hay’ad hadana waxaanu mashquul ku nahay caawinta ayeeyo Soomaaliyeed sidaas darteed way nagu adkaatay in aan iska dhaafno caawinta gabadha yar. Waa gabar oo la mid ah, hablaha inala dhashay, sida waalasha, xaaskaaga ama inabatida. Dhacdadani waxay dhacday biishii lasoo dhaafay ee diisambar wakhti galab ah, gabarta yar oo ardiyad ah way afduubeen kadib waxay la tageen meel ka baxsan duuleedka magaaladda Goldogob saacado kadib waxaa la kulantay mid kamida ficilada ugu xun ee gabar loo gaysan karo taas oo ah in ay kufsadeen koox wiilal ah. Waxay marku hore ku dedaashay in ay is difaacdo laakiin wey awood kari wayday in ay iska difaacdo 4 wiil oo dhalinyaro ah, kadib ku dhufteen saddex jeer. Dhibta ugu daran waa markay ka duubeen fiidow gabarta uu ku sugan xaalad aad u naxdin badan isla markaana ku taamaysa barida nolosheda. Intaas kuma joogin sawiro iyo fiidiyowgii waxay soo dhigeen baraha bulshada ee internetka. Gabarta yar magaceeda ma rabno in aanu halkan ku sheegno laakin waxay ku sugantahay isbitaal lagagga dawaynayo dhawacyo soo gaaray muddo hada laga joogo bil iyo dheeraad. Waxay Tani waa mid cadaynaysa dhaawac soo gaaray iyo murugada ay ku reebtay falki loo gaystay intaas waxaa u dheer in qoyskeedi kasoo guureen magaladii ay daganayeen muddo dheer. Aabbaheed marki uu maqlay warkan wuu xanuunsaday, caruurta la dhalatay waxaa ku dhacday naxdin iyo caro badan. Bal qiyaas dhibtaas hadii ay adiga kugu dhici lahayd. Murugada iyo dhibka aad la kulmi lahayd.

Maxaynu u qaban karnaa?

Somali Faces waxay ku booqatay qoyskan magaaladda Gaalkacayo waraysi kooban way la yeelatay xubno qoyska ka mid ah. Hooyadu waa hooyo hayasta 10 carruuro, midka ugu yar da’adiisu way ka yar tahay hal sanno, isla markaana waxay ahayd hooyo u shaqaysta caruurteeda laakiin shaqadeedi way kasoo tagtay si ay u caawiso gabadheyda dhaawac soo gaadhay Aabbahood shaqo la’aan haysa waxaana intaas u dheer naxdin iyo murugo. Sidaas darteed waxay u baahanyihiin caawimo si ay noloshooda usii wataan meelkasta ay doorbidaan in ay ku noolaadan Fadlan ku caawi inta aad awoodi kartid. Somali Faces waxay ku dedaalaysa in lacagtaas toos u gaaro qoyska. Runtii qoyska gabadha yar dhalay way ka cudur daarteen in aanu sawir ka qaadno, laakiin waxaanu samayn doona marka aanu ku wareejinayno qoyska  lacagta loogu tabaruco waanu ku dedaalayna in aanu sawir ka qaadno

Waxaa la nooo xaaqjiyey in uu jiro barnaamij laga heli karro caawimo  iyo tageero dhanka maskaxda ah marka ay kasoo kabato dhaawaca soo gaaray.

Fadlan la wadaag asxaabtaada.


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